
Version: 1.1.0

Core Data Tasks Liquidity Payments Risk Working Capital Market Data

Upload a batch of transactions or setup data

This API allows uploading a batch of transactions (payments, cash flows, accounting entries...) or setup data (companies, bank accounts, users...). With:
- a transformation from a native format embedded in the API request (CSV, fixed position, XML format)
- a mapping of codes (company codes, bank codes, transaction codes...) and parameters

This API is usually used in an API sequence along with the Process templates API, to (example):
- import a batch of transactions: POST/v1/data/files
- trigger the integration of this batch: POST/v1/process-templates/{templateRef}/run?fileIds={uuid}
- get the status of the integration of this batch: GET/v1/process-templates/{taskId}/status

Many use cases can be covered in conjunction of the Process Template API. You can check Import flow and few examples below.


Use Cases

Send Payments data to be processed

Send future cash flows to be integrated in liquidity view

Send Financial Transactions such as FX Spot or forwards