API Catalog Process Templates

Process Templates

Version: 1.4.0

Core Data Tasks Liquidity Payments Risk Working Capital Market Data

Launch and monitor the execution status of Process templates

Process template is a set of parameters defined for a specific function: the process defines how to execute the function, in terms of selection, calculation, rendering, publishing criteria. A Process templates can be manually launched from the UI of the application, or scheduled, or triggered through an API.

The launch of a Process template creates a Task. A Task is executed asynchronously: it initial status is "Pending", it then transitions to "In progress" and finishes with "Complete". The other possible final statuses are "Warning" (it usually means that the task has been executed but that exceptions were reported), "Error" (the task could not be executed), "Cancelled" (task cancelled).
It is accordingly required to get the status of a Task to know when it has reached its final status.

There is a large number of supported use cases, a few samples below.

Use Cases

Automated the connection with ERPs to send or receive data

Automated creation of intercompany loans

Retrieve ledger of transactions