Open Reports Studio


In this guide, you will find detailed instructions to get started with the Open Reports Studio, as well as an in-depth look into its powerful features.

Watch the video below for a step-by-step introduction to getting started with the Open Reports Studio!

Learn how to:

  ➤  Retrieve reports from Kyriba

  ➤  Upload data to Kyriba

  ➤  Leverage custom functions to enhance your treasury management experience

Customer Onboarding

Customer onboarding process requires the following steps, as shown on the diagram below:

Step 1. Subscribe

Open Reports Studio is subject to subscription. Please reach out to your Account Manager to subscribe.

Step 2. Request Access

Once subscribed, ​​submit a Support ticket on the Developer Portal to request access. Access is granted per user, thus, specify the users to enable Open Reports Studio.

Template for the request:

Image Item Details
Summary ORS - Customer - Platform Environment
Example: ORS - ACMECOMP - Sapphire Production
Support Category Marketplace
Kyriba Application platform and environment Among platforms: (Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz/Emerald/Diamond/Opal/Quartz/Ammolite)
Among environments: (Production/Sandbox)
Example: Sapphire Production
Kyriba Application Customer Code Example: ACMECOMP
Kyriba application Usernames Users to enable Open Reports Studio for.

Step 3. Install

Install Open Reports Studio directly from the Microsoft Office Store.

Watch the “How to install” video for step-by-step instructions.

Step 4. Login

Log in to Open Reports Studio using your Kyriba application credentials.

Refer to the Login section of this guide for more information.


Open Reports Studio requires the following minimum versions of Excel:

  Office on Windows
- Microsoft 365 subscription
- retail perpetual Office 2016 and later
Office on Windows
(volume-licensed perpetual)

Office on Mac

Excel: Version 2002 (Build 12527.20092) Excel 2021: Version 2108 (Build 12527.20092) Excel: 16.35


Open Reports Studio is compatible with Mac and Windows. Install the Add-in directly from the Microsoft Office Store.

Watch the video below for the step-by-step instructions to install the Open Reports Studio.


To add Open Reports Studio to your Excel on Mac through the Microsoft Office Store.

      1. Sign in with your Microsoft account. Under the “Insert” tab, select "My Add-ins" and "Sign In" if not yet.



      2. Under the “Insert” tab, select “Get Add-ins”.


      3. Enter “Kyriba” in the search bar. Select the add-in that corresponds to your Kyriba application platform. Install it by clicking “Add”.


      4. Read through the license terms and privacy policy. Click “Continue” to proceed.


      5. The "Kyriba API" icon will appear under the "Home" tab, ready to launch Kyriba Open Reports Studio with just a click.



To add Open Reports Studio to your Excel on Windows through the Microsoft Office Store.

      1. Under the “Home” tab, select “Add-ins”.


      2. Then select “More Add-ins”.


      3. Enter “Kyriba” in the search bar and select the platform assigned to you and install it by clicking on “add”.


      4. Read through the license terms and privacy policy. Click “Continue” to proceed.


      5. The "Kyriba API" icon will appear under the "Home" tab, ready to launch Kyriba Open Reports Studio with just a click.


Manual Installation

If Open Reports Studio cannot be installed from the Microsoft store directly for any reason or simply is not available there (e.g. the version for the Sandbox environment), it can be installed manually. Manual installation requires a manifest file, available for download on the dedicated Forum page.

• Installation for Mac
   1. Open "Finder" and press Command+Shift+G to access the "Go to folder" dialog.

   2. Enter the following filepath replacing username with your actual username: /Users/username/Library/Containers/
        Create the wef folder if it does not exist.

   3. Copy the manifest file to the wef folder.

   4. Open Excel.

   5. Go through the path Insert ⇨ My Add-ins ⇨ Insert an Add-in and select Kyriba Open Reports Studio.


   6. Once the add-in is installed, the "Kyriba add-in" icon will appear under the "Home" tab.


• Installation for Windows
   1. Create a network share and place the manifest file there.
       Please refer to the Microsoft guide for more on creating a network share.

   2. Go to Excel, then File ⇨ Options ⇨ Trust Center.


   3. Go to "Trust Center Settings".


   4. In the "Trusted Add-in Catalogs", "Add catalog", copy the path of the network share and check the "Show in menu" option.


   5. Restart Excel, go to Insert ⇨ Add-ins ⇨ Get Add-ins and choose the "SHARED FOLDER". Select "Kyriba API".


   6. The "Kyriba add-in" icon will appear under the "Home" tab.

Version Update

We are constantly improving the Open Reports Studio adding new features and enhancing the existing ones. Restart your Excel to get the latest version of the add-in.

For the manually installed Open Reports Studio, follow the instructions below to update it to the latest version.

• For Mac
   To update the add-in on Mac, open the Personality menu from the task pane, and click "Reload". This reloads the task pane to retrieve the latest version.


• For Windows
   To update the add-in on Mac, open the Personality menu from the task pane, and click "Reload". This reloads the task pane to retrieve the latest version.


   In cases of new function releases or issues with the add-in display, you may need to refresh the list of add-ins.
   Go to Insert ⇨ Add-ins ⇨ My Add-ins and select Shared folder. Click "Refresh" and select "Kyriba Open Reports Studio".


Task Pane

To open the task pane, click on the “Kyriba API” icon under the “Home” tab.

You will find:

Image Item Element Description
     1 Personality menu Select “Reload” to reload the add-in or “Get Support” to redirect to this guide.
     2 Reports Opens a list of reports and data exports that can be downloaded to Excel. Refer to Reports in the Functionality section.
     3 Upload Data Allows users to upload data from Excel to Kyriba. Refer to Upload Data in the Functionality section.
     4 Refresh Refreshes reports, exports and custom functions in the workbook.
     5 Help Redirects to this guide.
     6 Wizard Opens an interface to build custom functions effortlessly. Refer to Function Wizard in the Functionality section.
     7 Log In/Log Out Enables users to authenticate and end the working session. Requires Kyriba application credentials. Refer to the Login section for more information.
     8 Settings Allows users to customize and configure various options and preferences within the add-in.
     9 Version Displays the current version of the add-in.


Upon launching Open Reports Studio, click “Log In” to sign in.

Enter your Kyriba application "Username", "Customer Code", and "Password". Click “Log In”.

When using Single Sign-On (SSO), ask your Kyriba database administrator if login with password is enabled.

Path in the Kyriba application: Core Data ⇨ Admin ⇨ Security ⇨ Define SSO identity provider

If so, ask the administrator to provide you with your user code and password. If the password is unknown, the administrator can set it by clicking on the Reset password.

Path in the Kyriba application: Core Data ⇨ Admin ⇨ Security ⇨ Define user



Reports feature allows users to feed data from the Kyriba Application to Excel. Select "Reports" in the task pane to access it.

The window displays a list of:

  • Reports (Process templates of category "Report").

  • Exports (Process templates of category "Process" and type "Export").

Click on "Refresh" to refresh the list.

The add-in can build a table out of the downloaded data. To enable the feature, check the box in the "Table" column of the required row. Please visit Microsoft’s Overview of Excel tables to learn more about tables.

To run reports and exports, select the required rows by checking the "Select" column and click on "Create". Use the search bar and filters for easier navigation.

Once completed, each report/export will be put on a separate worksheet with the following naming convention: “KYR TEMPLATE_NAME”.

If the Table feature is selected, the table will be created with the naming convention “Table_TEMPLATE_NAME”.

Headers (the first row) of reports and exports can be renamed and are preserved after refresh. The same applies to custom columns, which can be created after reports/exports. They are not lost once refreshed.

Note❗ For some exports, Kyriba does not provide a header. In this case, Open Reports Studio will create a generic header that users can modify.

Refer to the Report section in "Settings" to define default parameters for Reports:

  • Create table - enables table creation by default. Users can disable the table feature for every single report in the Reports window.

  • Remove headers and totals from reports - the add-in will request reports without headers and totals from the Kyriba application. It is equivalent to the features “Hide the report header” and “Hide the total line” in the Kyriba application (Formatting options tab).

Upload Data

Upload Data feature allows users to upload data from Excel to Kyriba leveraging process templates of type “Import a file”. Select "Upload Data" in the task pane to access it.

To refresh the list of process templates, click on "Refresh".

One can upload the whole worksheet or an active selection only. The data is then automatically transformed into a CSV file and transmitted to Kyriba.

To import data to Kyriba:

Image item Description
1 Select a Process template to use from the list on the left.
2 Select a worksheet to upload from the dropdown on the right.
3 Click "Upload".

Hint💡 Include Process template name in your worksheet name to enable the automatic worksheet selection.

Once the process is finished, the add-in will display a status message.

Refer to the "Upload Data" section in Settings to define default parameters for Upload Data:

  • Default delimiter - a delimiter to be used for a CSV uploaded from Excel to Kyriba.

  • Line break type - a line ending to be used for a CSV uploaded from Excel to Kyriba.

Custom Functions

Custom functions allow the retrieval of data from Kyriba via API using Excel syntax. Kyriba custom functions start with “KYRIBA”.

Custom Function Description
KYRIBA.GETBANKBALANCE Returns account bank balance.
KYRIBA.GETCASHBALANCE Returns account cash balance.
KYRIBA.GETCASHFLOWS Returns cash flow details.
KYRIBA.GETCASHFLOWSLIST Returns a list of cash flows.
KYRIBA.GETDATA Returns details of an entity.
KYRIBA.GETLIST Returns a list of entities of selected type.
KYRIBA.GETPAYMENTFILE Returns status of a routed payment file.
KYRIBA.GETTRANSFERSTATUS Returns status of a transaction.

While Open Reports Studio offers a variety of production-ready custom functions, we are excited to introduce our experimental ones.

Experimental Custom Function Description
KYRIBA.ASKGPT Enables the use of ChatGPT within Excel.

Hint💡 For the "Fields" parameter, pass “EXCEL” or “EXCELH” to return all the existing fields horizontally or “EXCELV” to return them vertically.

Hint💡 If the active cell contains a custom function, click Help to get redirected to the dedicated custom function guide.

Refer to the "Functions" section in Settings to define default parameters for Custom Functions:

  • Default limit - a default number of results that custom functions will return. Enter 0 to display all.

Function Wizard

To streamline the creation of formulas using Kyriba custom functions, Open Reports Studio provides a dedicated interface called Function Wizard. Click on Wizard in the task pane.

Step-by-step instructions:

Image item Description
1 Select a custom function from the list.
2 For each parameter of the function, set the value.
3 Click on "Copy" to copy the built function from the result bar to your clipboard, or click on "Reset" to start from the beginning.

Share Workbook

Should you want to send your Excel workbook to someone who does not have the Open Reports Studio, use the Share Workbook feature located in the Settings.

The feature turns all the formulas into values, thus, make sure you apply it to a copy of your workbook.

Usage Limits

To ensure high quality of services, Open Reports Studio limits the number of operations performed within a certain time frame. It includes running reports/exports, uploading data, and executing custom functions.

When logged in, navigate to Settings ⇨ Usage Limits to see the information related to your limits.

When the limit is reached, subsequent operations will be slowed down until reset.

Release Notes

To learn about new features, enhancements, and changes to the existing Open Reports Studio functionality, please refer to the dedicated Release Notes section.