
Returns account cash balance.


KYRIBA.GETCASHBALANCE(accounts; [fields]; [startDate]; [endDate]; [dateType]; [actual]; [confirmedForecasts]; [estimatedForecasts]; [intraday])

Note❗ The list separator (e.g., comma or semicolon) may differ depending on your Region settings.

Parameter Required/Optional Description Details
Accounts ✅   Required One or a range of account codes.
Fields 🟨  Optional Specify fields to return.
If omitted or equal to empty space, default fields are returned.
Default fields: Account code; Bank balance amount; Currency code; Balance date.
Enter “EXCEL” or “EXCELH” to return all the existing fields horizontally.
Enter “EXCELV” to return all the existing fields vertically.
Enter “JSON” to return the API response body.
Start date 🟨  Optional Specify the date of the first cash balance to return.
If omitted, the date is today.
When passing a date as text to the custom function, make sure to either use the “YYYY-MM-DD” date format (e.g. "2024-01-31") or the DATEVALUE function to ensure Excel recognizes it correctly, such as DATEVALUE("23/12/2025").
End date 🟨  Optional Specify the date of the last cash balance to return.
If omitted, the date is today.
When passing a date as text to the custom function, make sure to either use the “YYYY-MM-DD” date format (e.g. "2024-01-31") or the DATEVALUE function to ensure Excel recognizes it correctly, such as DATEVALUE("23/12/2025").
Date type 🟨  Optional Specify date type: TRANSACTION or VALUE.
If omitted, the type is TRANSACTION.
Actual 🟨  Optional Include cash flows with status Actual in the balance. 1 or TRUE to include.
0 or FALSE to exclude.
If omitted, the value is TRUE.
Confirmed forecasts 🟨  Optional Include cash flows with status Confirmed forecast in the balance. 1 or TRUE to include.
0 or FALSE to exclude.
If omitted, the value is TRUE.
Estimated forecasts 🟨  Optional Include cash flows with status Estimated forecast in the balance. 1 or TRUE to include.
0 or FALSE to exclude.
If omitted, the value is TRUE.
Intraday 🟨  Optional Include cash flows with status Intraday in the balance. 1 or TRUE to include.
0 or FALSE to exclude.
If omitted, the value is TRUE.


1. Cash balance of the account ORS_ACC01 for today that only includes cash flows of status Actual. Default fields are returned.




2. Cash balance of the account ORS_ACC01 for the period from yesterday until today. It includes cash flows of all the statuses. All the fields are returned horizontally.


